FAQs and More

Brag wall

Some of our former students now work with us in world leading programs including the detection and analysis of "dark vessels" (poaching vessels and other illegal, undercover activities)

Illegal fishers and wayward sharks are in the sights of new multispectral imaging


Preventing shark attacks with AI behavioural modelling


Why teach coding?

It is a tool used in physics research.

The aim IS NOT to create programmers, but to create physicists

  • who understand the power of coding
  • who can use coding to solve problems
  • If you are a running coach, you may only ever train 1 or two athletes who are national standard. However, do you only "half" coach the others. Of course not. You give every athlete, everything you can, so that they can maximise their performance.

I don't like coding (or I simply have never coded), what do I do?

No problem. We provide all the resources

  • we can train and or support you
  • we can deliver direct to your students


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