
Billiards, image courtesy No-w-ay in collaboration with H. Caps
Force changes motion

Newton's 3 laws can be used to describe the motion of objects

  1. An object will remain at rest or in straight line motion unless acted on by a force
  2. The change in movement of the object (acceleration) is proprtional to the amount of force applied (F= ma)
  3. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Interestingly, because the force of gravity is proportional to the mass of an object and the acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to the mass of the object(inertia), the net result is that everything falls at the same rate under gravityNear the surface of the Earth, all objects fall at a rate of 9.80ms-2


Lecture - forces


Prof Dave, What are forces
Prof Dave, Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Science asylum, Gravity of the situation


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