The way to year 12 Physics success
Quantum of Physics is a year 11 and 12 physics package for teachers and students designed to maximise success
and prepare students for the rapidly growing space industry.
It contains all of the resources required for both teachers and students.
Together, we can maximise your Physics success
Student tutoring (1 on 1)
Lecture packages for Teachers and Students (free, links can be found below)
Complete set of supporting resources can be found by the drop down menu in the top right
- Student
- Tutoring
- Lecture notes
- Worksheets
- Teacher
- LAPs, SATs with worked solutions, Folio tasks
- Space industry, contemporary practicals
- Class notes
- Worksheets with worked solutions
Stage 1 (year 11) physics
Click here to go directly to the course.
Stage 1 physics underpins the stage 2 course. This course is a rolling ride through a range of physics topics preparing you
for both the content and the tools you will need to maximise your ATR.
Stage 2 (year 12) physics
Click here to go directly to the course.
You can access the textbook straight away, start your coaching as soon as you are ready,
and get each of the instructional videos as they come out.
World class education from ESpy Earth and ESpy Ocean, Space Industry leaders
When I first entered the classroom as a teacher, students were still being taught Newtonian mechanics in exactly the same
way I was many years before and with exactly the same examples.
there was even the obligatory picture of a napolionic era canon to explain projectile motion.
Worse, the tools that were being used to solve problems were completely out of date in a world of big data,
James Webb and Artemis. It was time for a physics program that focusses on problem solving, uses contemporary
examples and informs and excites students about the burgeooning space sector.
Ian Dewey, Co-Founder of ESpy Ocean, Awarded physics teacher